Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just a few things they forgot to tell us....

So as we all know there are tons of books, and articles out there about everything you need to know about babies. how many of those books actually lack any quality help? Or actually help when the time came to use it.

My daughter Alexa Rayne is almost 5 months old, I've been pooped on, puked on, scratched, hair pulled and she's screamed in my ear, and my baby is really well behaved. She sleeps through the night, didn't cry when i got her ears pierced, has had only one ear infection, eats well, if not too well... I dunno. She's amazing but i was never prepared for everything that was going to take place, even with my two year old nephew. Like how much it cost for formula, diapers, wipes, clothes, shoes, everything just adds up. I'd like to just take a second to spread just a few things that I've learned in my five months.

Now we'll touch on the few random things everyone must be afraid to tell you, cause you never hear them...

My husband sleeps through the baby crying, don't get me wrong he's a great dad but this is so annoying... If I were to wake him up he'll get up, but most of the time it's wasted effort. I'm not really for sure what a good solution for this is... but you could try moving the baby monitor closer to him, didn't work in my case. But mostly it's best if you let it go. I held onto that fight too long and it only caused more problems. Luckily that only applied to us for two months til Alexa started to sleep through the night. If you fight over it you'll only end up more exhausted than you began. Accept that your partner is a heavy sleeper and keep going.

Little girls pee when you take their diaper off too. This you may laugh at me for, but i really didn't know that. Changing my nephew I was always always careful, but at first with Alexa I threw caution into the wind... then i got peed on. Maybe I was just sheltered from that thought because people assumed that I knew this, but maybe you don't know either.

Holidays are now a hassle. Both of our parents are divorced. Which makes four sets of families to go see. And EVERYBODY wants you to stay for a meal or participate in traditions, but four families... four meals... plus all those extended family parties...
EVERYONE has advice. Especially Grandmothers... (Personal Story, sorry i can't help myself) I have a formula divider (a plastic tub with three or four divided areas that allow you to store amounts ready to be mixed powered formula) so I fill it up and it's ready to go. Every time I'm around my grandma she gets upset that i don't "measure the formula". I guess she gets it now, but it was just recently that the explanation stuck. Back to my blogging... Simply the ladies at the supermarket will always comment about the way they're dressed or what type of bottle you are using... it happens. The best way to keep your sanity is to smile say thanks for the advice and keep on doing exactly what works for you. But trying to fight the crazed advice givers only makes it worse, you know what works for you and your baby, that's all you need. Do listen tho, because usually these are people that have children and are only trying to help. You may learn a thing or two.
Fathers... Not yours... Your baby's fathers. I once heard a saying that women are mothers the moment they become pregnant, while men become fathers after the baby gets here. TRUE to an extent. It just may be a bit later than you think. While women seem to have the amazing power to be WONDER MOM from day -280, men seem to take their time. My husband still doesn't change poop diapers, i have to pack the diaper bag so things are sure to get where they need to be, and i still get frantic calls at work that he can't get the baby to calm down. And at first she scared him... He's a firefighter, and maybe something so small and needy really did the trick. I dunno. He didn't really hold her much to begin with, now he's fantastic, but i worried about him and her a lot in the beginning...
Your house. WHen people actually offer to help you clean up, TAKE THE HELP!!! I guess I was too proud to begin with, I could do it all by myself. We moved the day after I came home from the hosptial. Family helped him move and everything, but after they left I had it all. Now I really wish the magic laundry fairy would come by once a week and help, but alas she doesn't really exist. Best advice, take in in stride. Keep things clean as you go. It keeps everything tidy and when you go to clean it isn't like taking on a full day job. Do a load of laundry a day.
Remember to really take a bit to concentrate on yourself. If you are not happy, then no one is happpy. You have a very loving family right there for you.

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